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In 2023, our Innovative Medicine North America organization implemented Inclusion Dialogues as a tool to help leaders embed inclusion based on their teams’ input. These team-level conversations result in a joint commitment to action and accountability for specific inclusive behaviors identified by the group. In 2023, dialogues were conducted by all Vice Presidents, 70% of Senior Directors and 56% of Directors. All leaders agreed to conducting a follow-up session within six months. Leaders committed to behaviors that would advance their team culture, ensure that employees feel heard and drive transparency in decision-making processes.

Rob Treml, Senior Director Payer Strategy and Therapy Access Marketing, Johnson & Johnson (photo)

It matters to me

Rob Treml, Senior Director Payer Strategy and Therapy Access Marketing, Johnson & Johnson

What’s good about Inclusion Dialogues?

“I’ve engaged in Inclusion Dialogues both as a participant and as a team leader. They have been a great opportunity to connect and speak openly around our opportunities, issues and collective ideas to amplify an inclusive culture where everyone’s voice is heard, valued and addressed across our team.”

Have the Dialogues impacted your daily work?

“Inclusion Dialogues reinforced my personal responsibility to set a daily example in bringing my whole self to the workplace and encouraging others to always do the same. The power of the Dialogues lies in showing up with unfiltered vulnerability and transparency to the conversations. Sharing personal experiences and perspectives about where we felt included and excluded helped identify commonalities and define what inclusion means to each of us individually and as a group.”

Did you learn anything about yourself through Inclusion Dialogues?

“I learned a tremendous amount through these conversations. Most notably, personal feelings of gratitude, joy and affiliation are markers for me of a truly inclusive culture. Centering myself to find and experience these emotions daily has helped to set a personal foundation where I can be my best and help to bring out the best in others.”