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Through our J&J Foundation, we manage an impact investment fund, Impact Ventures by J&J Foundation, that supports companies and entrepreneurs innovating to improve health equity. Financial returns from successful portfolio companies return to the fund and are redeployed as new investments so the fund can sustain and increase its impact.

2023 was a year of significant investment activity. Impact Ventures grew its portfolio to more than 20 investments across 5 continents, including Health In Her HUE, a digital platform working to improve the health of Black women in the U.S. In addition, Impact Ventures continued to build an ecosystem that supports impact-focused healthcare entrepreneurs. As part of this effort, in 2023, Impact Ventures collaborated with MIT Solve, Villgro Africa and Village Capital to fund accelerator programs and competitions that provide early-stage support to founders that investors have historically overlooked. 

Ashlee Wisdom, Health In Her HUE, a JJIV-Supported Company (photo)

It matters to me

Ashlee Wisdom, founder of Health In Her HUE, an Impact Ventures Portfolio Company

What motivated you to start Health In Her HUE?

“I have experienced firsthand the pain that comes from constantly facing discrimination, indifference and dismissal in healthcare settings. It’s isolating and discouraging, and countless other Black women have told me stories about feeling the same way. Health In Her HUE is empowering women of color to address these issues. We can heal and take control of our health together.”

How are you growing your reach?

“I have tremendous appreciation for J&J Impact Ventures as a valued investor and partner, contributing to the growth and impact of Health In Her HUE. Specifically, the funding is supporting our plans to scale Care Squads [a learning curriculum and peer support group for Black women and women of color centered on specific health topics, which meets regularly for live discussions led by trained facilitators] and virtual consultations, reach new community members and further develop our platform.”