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At J&J Innovative Medicine, we strive to boost the cultural relevance of our marketing communications to reach patients in ways that are meaningful to them and would enhance their connection to healthcare for better access and outcomes.

We developed our Culturally Inclusive & Relevant (CIR) Marketing Capability Program with an aim to reach patients across North America through various media channels. The CIR program supports training and education of key business partners and collaborators, while building capabilities through policies and approaches that empower marketing teams to infuse cultural content and diverse thought leadership into activation plans. For example, an early application of the CIR approach was our unbranded That’s My Word campaign, created in partnership with the CIR agency Hero Collective to raise awareness of the risks and symptoms related to multiple myeloma (See section: Close the racial health gap).

Impact in 2023


consultations with CIR marketing experts on including culturally relevant content in our marketing programs


cross-functional summits held within J&J across North America

More than 1,250

leaders at J&J and in our markets trained on CIR via summits, eLearning and lunch & learn events

Silver Impact Award

received in the 2023 Healthcare Marketing Impact Awards by Modern Healthcare and Ad Age for the That’s My Word campaign